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Stone Natural Shower Resistant Quilted Bomber Jacket (3-16yrs)
£32 - £42
Baker by Ted Baker Shower Resistant Long Padded Coat
£79 - £84
Baker by Ted Baker Natural Tan Pleated Mac
£58 - £63
Navy/White Baby Jersey Jacket (0mths-2yrs)
£15 - £17
Mamas & Papas Natural Quilted Bear 100% Cotton Jersey Pramsuit
Navy Blue Baby Borg Hooded Fleece Jacket (0mths-2yrs)
£18 - £19
Joules Girls' Meadow Natural Showerproof Raincoat With Hood
£39 - £45
The White Company Natural Star Pebble Quilted Pramsuit
£52 - £55
Reiss Stone Eero 9-13 yrs Water Repellent Hooded Coat
Lipsy Camel Shearling Biker Jacket (5-16yrs)
£46 - £54
Angel & Rocket Natural Briar Taupe Faux Fur Coat
£65 - £69
Reiss Stone Roman 9-13 yrs Interlock Funnel-Neck Jacket