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Blue Graffiti Print Short Sleeve Jersey Summer Dress (3-16yrs)
£10 - £15
Red Zip Front Cotton Rich Gingham School Dress (3-14yrs)
£8.50 - £13.50
Red Cotton Rich Scalloped Collar Gingham School Dress (3-14yrs)
£9 - £14
Red Floral Summer Dress (3-16yrs)
£11 - £16
Red Cotton Rich School Gingham Tiered Pretty Collar Dress (3-14yrs)
Lilac Purple Floral Print Skirt 100% Cotton Dress (3-12yrs)
£18 - £22
Red Cotton Rich Button Front Lace Gingham School Dress (3-14yrs)
£8.50 - £11.50
Red Cotton Rich Drop Waist Gingham School Dress (3-14yrs)
£7.50 - £10.50
Purple Blur Printed Summer Dress (3-16yrs)
£17 - £22
Navy Blue Floral Kew Collection Prom Dress (3-12yrs)
£42 - £46
Trutex Red Gingham 2 Pack Button Front School Summer Dress
£28 - £29
Red Ric Rac Trim Sun Summer Dress (3-16yrs)
£15 - £20